
Your search for CF returned 11 results.

Hospital Chronicles: 6

So this has got to be the most eventful HC ever. As you all know I got transplanted AND I turned 18. So I won't really go into detail about that too much. Here's the situation. POST OP DAY1: Sedated, get breathing tube out DAY2: Sedated, two chest tubes out DAY3: Coming off of sedation, standing, eating...becoming a person again DAY4: Catheter out, ...

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Hospital Chronicles: 5

Nothing really has changed since my last HC. I have had a couple of new visitors and met some new people. I also got my first bits of mail! My main doctor had finally come to talk to us and give us her thoughts on our plan of action. For now we are slowly backing off of treatment and monitoring me, to see if I can go home. We will reevaluate in a week after we have ...

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Hospital Chronicles: 3

Oh what an interesting  couple of days. What a mess. Where to start? How about I where I left off. About two days ago I was woken up by my RT to do my treatment. He had a person following him around that day as a shadow person, kind of like in training. There are certain settings to the way treatments are done, and one of them is that it pauses every five ...

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Hospital Chronicles: 2

I'm still in the hospital.. ugh :(. I have been her for two weeks and two days, and I will be here for another week, for sure, and maybe a noter week or two after that. It wouldn't be so bad if I was allowed to leave my room. I am trapped in this 12 by 12 room all day, everyday. Even prisoners in maximum security get an hour a day outside. What's happened since my ...

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Hospital Chronicles: 1

So it's been an up and down hospital stay, just as they all are. I was airlifted here in the helicopter and put into the ICU. The only other time I had been in the ICU was for one night because they were initiating my bi-pap, which hospital policy states it needs to be done in the ICU, not because I was so sick that I needed to be there. Since this was the first time ...

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People keep saying "oh you're so optimistic" or "you're amazing" and things along that line…"Inspiring" I don't know, I guess I have never seen myself that way. I realize now that yes, I do have a really good attitude about everything. It flatters me, but sometimes I feel like because that's how they see me, that I have to always be that way. Of course I have ...

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Crazy Admission

So, I haven't really posted in a while, but some crazy stuff has been going on. Saturday morning I woke up and my lips were a little blue. The day before I had really been struggling to breathe and function. The blue lips were like the last straw, so I huffed and puffed my way to the ER. Apon arrival to the ER my dad went to park the car and I squatted down ...

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Transplant is a touchy subject for everyone involved. Families may not want bits and pieces of their loved one shipped off to who knows where. A dying person in need of an organ may not want to take one, even though most likely their entire family is wishing that they choose to live. The thing is, though, it's not choosing to live or die, it's choosing how you live ...

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Everyone with CF has a different experience. It is a very individualized and isolated disease. Most people are diagnosed at birth or in their first year of life. When I was born it wasn’t always something they checked for, so I was diagnosed at four years old. CF is very individualized. An example of that is someone with CF who is twenty years old and still is ...

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Dedication: John Teufel

CF patients aren’t really supposed to be around each other because we can give each other bugs that cause infections, so I haven’t really been allowed to meet many other CF patients. In my hospital all of the CF patients stay in the same section of the hospital. Advances in social media make it pretty easy to become friends with other patients when they are ...

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