
Your search for donor returned 2 results.

Unusual Stress?

So the peat couple of months have been very stressful, but especially theses past two weeks. It's supposed to be the happiest thing to ever happen to me (transplant), but I can't help feeling not happy. I feel guilty, and saddened for the donor who died and gave me their lungs. Not only did my whole life change from dying to nearly normal, but also to legal adult all ...

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So... it's been a while. Saturday morning (March 8th, 2014, day 39 on the list) I got a canvas from the hospital, and some paints. I painted a bunch of different hearts, all different sizes, colors and shapes. Some of them I colored in and some of them I didn't. None of them were colored the same as the outline and some of them overlapped. It was kind of early in the ...

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